ERA Group Agrifood Solutions

Agrifood Solutions delivering Indirect, Procurement & Supplier Cost Optimisation


Agribusiness is arguably one of the most complex sectors in the world right now, facing a wealth of intricate challenges that will fundamentally change the way the industry and businesses within it operate, and we are already seeing significant developments within the market over a short period. Many external influences, like climate changes and international markets, have a substantial impact on organisational profitability but are ultimately out of the control of producers, making it hard for businesses to control their overheads.

Before engaging with us, many clients felt that their costs were managed to a satisfactory level. However, misconceptions and barriers within the industry prevent organisations from being able to achieve the tangible improvements they so desperately require. We can help you to guard against these whilst creating sustainable supplier relationships that last for the long-term.

Learn more about our Agrifood Solutions

Case Studies

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The Agrifood industry is experiencing a golden era of innovation, so it’s more important than ever to understand the value of the possibilities available. Download our Agrifood Solutions guide to discover how we can help you gain a competitive advantage for your business.

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Introduction to ERA Group Agrifood Solutions

ERA Group offer a wide range of industry solutions to help businesses all over the world. Our dedicated Agrifood Solutions team are focused on working with organisations within the Agriculture and Food Manufacturing space, and we've already helped hundreds of companies to run more efficiently and to protect their margins. Watch this short video which provides an introduction to our Agrifood Solutions. You can also download our full Agrifood Solutions guide for specific details of how we can help you.

"We are now entering, what some have termed, the global agrarian revolution. For businesses, it seems the only way to stay profitable is to understand and adapt to the trends and developments that continue to gain momentum and this means, for many, stepping into unfamiliar territory."

Agrifood Industry Insights

Growing Population

The world’s population will exceed 9 billion by 2050, and trickle up to over 11 billion by 2100 (and that’s a lot of people on one small planet). The countries that will see the greatest increases will be the poorest ones, with places like Africa expected to rapidly double in population size and continue to struggle to feed their populace.

Environmental & Geopolitical

Industrial growth will be dependent on the economic and political landscapes of the countries, and how these change over time. Governmental vision and expertise will be vital in allowing businesses in the market to develop efficient long term plans that are in line with regulations, and business & industry goals, therefore, those operating within visionary countries, with the right infrastructure to produce and exports, are likely to see more advances at more rapid pace.

Supply Chain Issues

Agrifood supply chains have diversified over time, moulding into a multi-layered system of intricate relationships that cross borders. A complicated operation such as this can pose a threat to the profitability and efficiency of a business should one cog in the system fails to meet the requirements.

Sustainable Models & Technology

In the UNEP Discussion Paper (2012), authors Moomaw, Griffin, Kurczak and Lomax highlighted that if our populations and consumption rates continue at their current rates, we will need to be supported by the equivalent of two Earths by as early as 2030.

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"The quicker businesses adopt technology and the opportunities it presents, the better placed they will be for the future."

Agrifood Solutions Case Study

CP Foods Case Study

"I initially thought the benefits of engaging ERA would be purely financial, but the end results are much more than cost savings. In all projects, the consultants were focused on improving our internal processes and enhancing the service we receive from our suppliers. They have helped to boost our green credentials too which is really important to us." John Vincent, FD, CP Foods. CP Foods (UK) Limited is the UK division of the worldwide CPF Group, a world class food producer dedicated to creating real food that is tailor-made to the requirements of their customers. As part of CPF Group, CP Foods (UK) Ltd is responsible for production facilities in the UK where imported produce is prepared, packaged and delivered to UK customers.

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"Digitalisation is changing the way consumers purchase products, including food, with new business models embracing direct-to consumer approaches."

Our process is simple. Our sector specialists, all with extensive knowledge of their expert areas, use the skills acquired over impressive professional lifetimes to help you negotiate a better deal in overhead spend. Find out more about who we are and how we help you.

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